Milford Sound Echo-Sanctuary

Project Echo-Sanctuary 

Restoring Nature's Chorus in Milford Sound

Milford Sound is one of the most awe-inspiring destinations on Earth, known for its dramatic landscapes, serene waters, and the unique soundscape created by its vibrant wildlife. However, this precious natural harmony is under threat, and that’s where the Project Echo-Sanctuary steps in.

About Project Echo-Sanctuary

  • Location: Nestled within 500 hectares of world heritage site Milford Sound's township and the Cleddau Fan.
  • Objective: To protect and restore the natural soundscape by eradicating invasive predators that threaten precious native species.
  • Focus Species:
    • Primary Target: Stoats
    • Secondary Targets: Rats, Mice, Weasels, Ferrets
    • Protected Native Species: Northern Fiordland Tokoeka Kiwi, Kea, Whio, South Island Kaka, Bellbirds, Fantails, Tomtits, Kererū, Grey Warblers, South Island Robins, Weta, Skinks, and Geckos.

Why This Matters

  • Ecosystem Balance: Invasive species, particularly stoats, are devastating to native wildlife. A single stoat can consume up to 40g of prey per day—equivalent to five fantails, a native bird species that weighs just 8g.
  • Critical Numbers: Our trapping efforts have already removed over 20 stoats from the area since November 2023. 
  • Restoring the Chorus: The natural soundscape of Milford Sound is composed of the calls of native birds and the subtle sounds of the wilderness. By controlling predator populations, we’re helping to ensure that this unique chorus continues to thrive.

Our Efforts

  • Trapping Network:
    • 57 traps are strategically placed 200 meters apart, covering 500 hectares.
    • Traps are checked and rebaited monthly by our dedicated team of volunteers.
  • Volunteer Support:
    • The ‘Lodgies,’ employees of Milford Sound Lodge, generously donate their time to help maintain the traps and contribute to the sanctuary’s mission.
  • Community Impact: Every guest who stays at Milford Sound Lodge is supporting these conservation efforts, helping to fund the ongoing battle against invasive species.

Join Us

By choosing to stay at Milford Sound Lodge, you’re not just experiencing one of New Zealand’s most stunning landscapes—you’re also playing a part in protecting it. Your stay contributes directly to the work of The Echo Sanctuary, helping to restore the vibrant soundscape and ensuring that native species can thrive for generations to come.

  • Be a Part of the Solution: Support our mission to let nature’s voice be heard once more in Milford Sound.
  • Explore with Purpose: Enjoy the natural beauty of Milford Sound, knowing that you’re contributing to the preservation of its unique ecosystem.

Together, we can make a lasting impact. Welcome to The Echo Sanctuary—where nature’s voice will be heard once more.